Hello there! My name is Charlotte! I am 23 year old girl, living in Scotland. I spend most of my time taking photos, thinking and writing for this little corner of the internet. I enjoy playing around with make up writing down my own opinions of products to share and chat with other people about them!
I started this blog during the summer of 2013, after moving 400 miles away from all my friends and family which was hard to endure. So I made this blog, to continue sharing my opinions and discussions of beauty products with friends.
Thank you to anyone who stumbles across this blog and takes time out to comment and show an interest in the things I have to say. I will continue doing what I am currently enjoying until the world ends or my purse is empty... the later of those options will be my demise obviously & I hope I can help a few people out with any uncertainties you may have about product purchases and choices.
Feel free to email me at lottiesthoughts@gmail.com
Charlotte xo