Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Jumpers!

I just want to bring up one thing, where and why have all these Christmas Jumpers come from?

Out of the blue, and all of as fast as a heavy snow fall covers everything, it seems that Christmas jumpers have become popular. Now I'd probably want to say that it's all Mr Darcy's doing, from Bridget Jones Diary. However I feel that it's been a fair amount of time since that lovely Reindeer jumper graced our eyes. And if you've forgotten the one I'm on about, I thought I'd add a picture just to remind you. 

So I don't know about you, but maybe it's because I'm a student and in an art based building, but before leaving uni for Christmas there was a substaintual amount of those, sometimes festive, sometimes cheeky and all together smile enforcing jumpers. 

Another reason I'm bringing it up is because whilst I was out in the city today, people, every way you looked were sporting a Christmas jumper. Ok yes, yes I can hear you now; 'it's only 4 days until Christmas, and if you can't wear a xmas jumper now when can you?' Well I haven't a problem with them I just can't get my head around it as to where they have come from? What made them acceptable and desired so much this year?  

If anybody knows, please, please tell me, I can't figure it out! Who started this festive craziness?!

So I thought whilst thinking about this I might add a few other jumpers that I've spotted out and about and share them with you. Whether garish, rude, cute, cheeky or classic here are three of my favourite Christmas jumpers.

None of these pictures are my own. 

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