Can you still make New Year Resolutions two weeks into the new year?
I'm back at university now, and firmly into a big project, firmly but not securely.
Admittedly I am surprised that it's already been two weeks, it crazy how fast last year went and what's more crazy, I can't really remember anything about it. Of course there's few things, but mostly, I don't remember, good times with friends and family, times I got over my fear of the unknown and things that made me think differently about myself and who I want to be.
I've seen these 'Memory Jars' around on Pinterest for a couple of years now and to be honest I think it's a brilliant idea, but knowing me, it would be something I'd do a few times then probably forget about it, which is a huge shame!
So this year I will get a jar/container of some sort and fill it with all sorts of good things that I don't want to forget.
Picture from :
I love the idea about going back through it at the end of the year maybe christmas day 2014 because that's a day that is all rush rush rush then calm for hours. Always has been, just the way we do things :)
Has anybody tried this? Was it effective and enjoyable to read and look back on? I'd love to hear anybodies thoughts and experience with the idea! Looking forward to (hopefully) being impressed and relaxed about what's happened and what I've achieved.
Picture is not my own. Borrowed from
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