Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
I know I've been gone a while, a lot of things have happened, finishing uni, getting a job, meeting new people, weddings and sad events.
Unfortunately, during June, and a couple of days after
her 12th birthday, our little Tish passed away.
Tish was our first dog, and after 12 years with her,
it has been difficult to try and get along like normal with out her.
Tish never has been 100% healthy, when she was a puppy
she needed a life saving operation just 10 weeks old. I remember how I felt
then, having to leave her at the vets for a week, I was scared and worried we
would never see her again. Since that first operation she was on a flurry of
tablets all the time, building until she took eight tablets a day, fluctulating
of course through the years with different illnesses and problems.
It wasn't until the day she passed that I suddenly
realised that she had been a real trooper all the way through her life. Always
being happy and cuddly, ready to play and ALWAYS ready to creep over for a
fuss, she never complained, got angry or become difficult to deal with.
You don't realise what you have until it's gone, and
you also do not realise that everything and everybody else deal with things
differently. I never realised how selfless our dog was.
I think unless you have had a pet that's been part of
the family, regardless of the time length, you deal with their passing
differently. Personally I'm not good with change, even realising that there
isn't anybody there to finish off the sunday chicken after the sunday dinner,
or that, that same thing hasn't been sat under the oven waiting for the chicken
to cook for two hours.
Our house is a lot emptier without Tish, she was part
of our life for a long time and always will be. I feel that this has been a
long time coming and that I need to write about it to help myself with the
process as well as to share her life and story. I'm really thankful to have
shared in her life. She taught me a lot and continues too, especially teaching me that...
Everyone you meet is
fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
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