Saturday, January 31, 2015

January Life round Up

January has seemed to pass incredibly slowly, I mean at snail speed.

One week back into the swing of university life, and it's felt like I never left! Jumping back into a project that I was mid way through at the end of term 1/start of December and I felt like I'd been back for months!

Ok so my christmas break wasn't really a sit back and relax sorta holiday and I was constantly thinking and working on my model box for my project, but come on! Four weeks off and I feel like I didn't relax?!!!

A quick 'Welcome back' talk from our tutors gave us all a very uneasy feeling when they told us that we really only have one term left. One term to get our projects together and dissertations in print. It's been a very stressful, time ticking month.

Three years ago, I believed if I ever went on to university it would take me years to complete, oh how wrong I was. Effectively I only have two months left till Easter. All project work needs to be handed in in March. Easter is looking like it will be filled with dissertation work, ready for hand in in the first two weeks of April.

After that, the remaining time from April to late March revolves around our exhibition work, building, painting and all the rest to get it tip top shape, ready opening in early June!

I thought I'd post a little update, to just let you know I am still here, just hidden behind the piles of work, books and research material. As soon as I crawl out from behind this work I will jump right back into blogging.

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