This time four years ago, mum and I were wondering around the shop searching for things to put in my room at uni. Feels like it was only yesterday! Moving to uni is a very exciting and scary thing for a lot of people! Personally I could not wait to move in and meet new people and fend for myself!
First things first - Before you go out and buy anything, check what the uni will be providing, you don't want to turn up with something that has already been provided, save your money!
I took two sets of covers with my to uni, I didn't know whether the washing machines would have a tumble dry or not and so I chose to take two in case. (turns out my halls had a tumble dryer so thankfully I didn't have drape my bedding around my room to dry!) I would perhaps recommend taking a double duvet as you can fold it over and be extra cosy, plus it makes the not so comfy student bed a lot easier to sleep on.
- A Lamp - something I didn't take but my flatmate did! Although my student room had plenty of light, a little lamp changed the entire feel of the room. It made the room feel warm, cosy and more like home. Defiantly suggest you shouldn't over look this little life changer. (I also took a touch, as suggested by my dad, which came in very useful when the stairwell lights cut out in the middle of winter)
- Hangers - You will mostly likely need a lot of these, universities don't tend to supply them. I brought mine from Dunlem, the velvet helped to keep my clothes on the hangers!
- Laundry - Wash basket, Collapsable Clothes Horse, a Laundry bag, Washing powder, Fabric Softener - uni rooms are tiny and there isn't space for you the hang wet clothes around your room. You might also want a bag that you can cart your dirty washing down to the shared laundry room.
- Desk equipment - All things stationary, a lot of people didn't have printers but for me, it saved my neck more than once when it came to working late in your room, rather than going down to the library in the dead of night. (PS don't forget a bin and bin liners, I managed to find scented bin liners at a little homeward store)
- Pins for the pin board! Whether it's for work, lists, or photo's, notice board pins will be very useful
- Door wedge, something to hold open your bedroom door, which will be a fire door, so I recommend a rubber door wedge, which wort slip so much. Plus having your door open is inviting and your make friends within your flat a lot quicker!
Other things include, your clothes and shoes, a hot water bottle, dressing gown, alarm clock/radio, posters, coasters, fleece blanket, TV, Playstation or xbox, anything that will let you watch DVDs and anything else you want to take. Remember student accommodation in halls is often very small so don't take everything except the kitchen sink, If you forget anything perhaps you can bring in back with out when you go home!
Charlie xo
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