Sunday, January 3, 2016



1. Of course working in retail means the christmas break isn't enjoyed for very long but thankfully I didn't have to work on boxing day just the day after boxing day. And every shop workers dream is for the day to pass quickly, which I am thankful that it did!

2. I always felt that the week between christmas and new year was super long and it always felt, at least to me it felt like it was over a week long. This week however, I haven't worked as much as I used too. The length of time between christmas and new year felt shorter and time just flew by!

3. So thankful that Costa is open before I have to start work, to sit down and have a hot drink whilst waiting to start work is my appreciated. Although I am a little bit concerned that the staff seem to know what I want to order... maybe I should take a break... or maybe not

4. The weather has been so mild the last couple of weeks, but there has been a few mornings where there has been snow on the hills, always adds a little smile to my face in the morning!

5. Up until late october last year, I had had the same glasses for five years. Apparently you are meant to have your eyes checked for change every two years. Well with uni and moving I haven't had chance to find an optician and get an appointment. So I got my new glasses at the end of last year but my mum had only ordered some just before christmas. On wednesday however we received a message to say her glasses have arrived in store! Great timing and she is ecstatic about her new glasses which is just so nice to see!

6. New Years Day! I can not believe how fast the year has gone! Its beyond crazy! I'm not quite the 'new year, new me' type of person, but I for some reason felt very enthusiastic about having a clean out. So a productive day cleaning and sorting out my room went pretty well, I guess it's out with the old and then there is space for anything new.

7. I didn't finish going through my room and getting rid of things on friday so I am continuing today, saturday, time to tackle the wardrobe!

8.It feels good to have a clean, tidy and sorted room to wake up to. I've thrown out things that are just way too old and worn out, and there is a pile of items, clothes, bags, belts and scarves to go to charity. I do get really attached to things so I often cling onto things, thinking 'I might wear that again' or something along those lines but clearing out really has made me feel better, I'd strongly recommend a good clear out to start of your year! (It'll give you more room for the things you brought in the sales too!)

9. We went out on sunday, just to get some fresh air really. The weather has been awful, and being inside on a dull grey day doesn't do anything for your mood. So we went out and I managed to get into a TK Max which I've been wanting to do since before Christmas. I've been looking for an exercise ball. With all the trouble my back gave me last year, I am looking to do something so I don't have to struggle so much this year!

10. With bank holiday monday tomorrow, we have decided to sit down and watch some TV, something we didn't do over christmas. (They weren't showing as much christmassy films on TV this year, not sure why but it left me feeling very behind, if our internet were better we'd consider getting Netflix but it's just not an option right now) Any way New Endeavour was on so I guess we'll get back into a good series to start the year.

I hope you have had a lovely holiday season and a brilliant New Year! 
Wishing you all the very best for 2016!
Charlie xo

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