Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Work On Me #2

Catch up N°2...

Well I have to admit I haven't spent as much time as I wanted too on health and fitness over the last few months, work and illness has gotten in the way.  I know it is an excuse, and I know so many hard working people that fit in the time to go to the gym, I just do not have the energy at all. I wake up at 6:30 to get ready to leave the house at 7:10, I work form 9 till 6 and by the time I get home its 19:10. We have dinner I shower and by that time its 20:30. My day is taken up by work and travelling to and from it.

I'm looking for way to improve this and I think I have an idea. To exercise after eating a meal isn't a good idea, but If I do as many steps as I can at work with my FitBit and push it to get to that 10,000 steps it should start to make a difference. I have also thought about waking up earlier to do a light yoga routine that should wake me up ready to get ready for work. Just ten minutes earlier and it too might make a small difference.

I've been flicking through The Big Book of Yoga to pick something to start with, and I think I've found something ideal for me to do in the mornings. After having a week in bed because of my back  I've been looking for exercises to help train up my back, make it stronger so I hopefully don't have to suffer from it as much as I have over the last few years. If I find it helps and I find myself struggling less and less from issues to do with my back I might post on here to let anybody else who suffers from back pain to hopefully help somebody out, I know how painful it is when something goes wrong and it don't ever want to have to suffer through that again!

So a small update of my thoughts and plans - I'll repot back perhaps next month if I make any additional changes, but for now I plan to make sure I am never without my FitBit and that I wake up earlier to do some yoga poses and stretches.

Charlie xo

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