Tuesday, October 15, 2013

TipTuesday #10


Curling it up? It's sliding down?

Ever curled your hair before going out somewhere, only to look in the mirror a before leaving and seeing your hair has dropped a fair bit? I have, and after all that hard work, it's a bit of a ergh moment.

Well the first thing I have to say is....

Find yourself a GOOD hair holding spray! I brought a cheap one, and I don't know what I expected, but it didn't hold my hair at all.... me being cheap there.
A good hair spray will give you that bit more time and keep your locks shape and curl.

The other thing I have to say is to make sure, that when you are curling your hair, if you have had a shower, make sure that your hair is completely 100% dry. If you curl your hair when it's that little bit wet doesn't work. Wet hair, is heavier hair,. the curls will not stay in the shape you want and will fall out. Also using a heating iron on wet hair?! Have you not heard that sizzle, the little scream your hair makes when you are effectively frying it? It's not good to use a hot hair iron on wet hair, it will damage your hair. 

Make sure you use a heat protection spray when using a curling wand or straighteners  it will keep your hair looking healthier and limit the amount of split ends your appliance could make.

Hope it helps,
 Lottie xo

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Film | Ever After: A Cinderella Story

Production Year : 1998
Certificate (UK): PG
Running Time: 121mins
Directors: Andy Tennant
Cast : Drew Barrymore, Anjelica Huston and Dougray Scott, for more on this film click here.

'Once upon a time there was a young girl who loved her father very much' is how most fairytales begin. This one however begins with an elegant old lady, talking to two young men, she proceeds to inform them of the 'real story' of the glass slipper. 

Our tutors asked us to read some books over the summer and one of the books was called.... Collection of Grimm Tales by the Brother's Grimm. It is one book with several versions of lots of different classic fairy tales. The Cinderella story in the book however is called 'Ashputtle'. 

Cinderella is a strong character, not meek or polite as we would probably expect in this film. Drew Barrymore, plays Danielle de Barbarac, is smart, polite, loyal and strong. In fact the first time she meets the Prince she infers that he is 'arrogant'.  A very different meeting than Grimm and Walt Disney's interpretation. Although it does have a slight playfulness to it Cinderella is more witted and far less 'girly' and 'meek'.

Ever After: A Cinderella Story

 The Prince is put across to us quite differently again. He is introduced quite early on, he is the one who is in the wrong place at the wrong time, slightly accident prone. One main aspect of this film that interests me most is that the Prince seems to be as big of a character as Danielle de Barbarac (Cinderella). Regular fairy tales seem to introduce the Prince later on in the film, show him as a small part of the story and he is really, properly shared with the audience once the female character grows as a person and realises she can do things for herself, instead of for others. 

'Ugly Step Sisters', 'tweedle dee and dum' as some have referred to them as, are slightly different from what we would expect. For example in this story there are a few variations for the stories we all might have heard  1. they aren't ugly, 2. they are as thick as how they are portrayed in the books and 3. they aren't the same in personality, one is more sympathetic and kind whilst the other seems to have gained all the jealousy and 'ugly' heart. Marguerite is favoured by her mother, perhaps this is why they are different in personality. Jacqueline is a fresh relief for this story, she appears to have a better understanding than her sister and even her mother. Jacqueline isn't blind to her mothers actions, she appears to be a bit sympathetic to Danielle. 

a bird may love a fish signore but where will they live?...."than I shall just have to make you wings"...

I feel that the way in which this film has been taken is rather enjoyable, I enjoy the twist on the classic fairy tale. It is stuck in a time zone however which I feel that Walt Disney's version isn't restricted too. I love the concept of this Cinderella and think it is a good balance to the character. The costumes were beautiful, even when Cinderella wear's her servants clothes.
I like the film and I could sit down a watch this again, however I do not feel, for me anyway, that it is a film I could watch over and over again. I would watch it again but instead of having it on DVD I'd rather enjoy it whilst it's on TV.

The pictures are not my own, the links as to where I found them can be found below the pictures as a hyper-link.

Lottie xo

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

TipTuesday #9


Quick tip for today...

When applying blusher, place two fingers on the side of your nose, resting on your cheek.

Where the side of your fingers end, this is where you should apply your blusher.

And that's it folks. I've gone overboard before so hopefully you can learn from my embarrassing red face or should I say very pink face!

Hope it helps,
 Lottie xo

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Film | The Breakfast Club

Production Year : 1985
Certificate (UK): 15
Running Time: 97mins
Directors: John Hughes
Cast : Emilio Esteves, Judd Nelson and Molly Ringwald, for more on this film click here.

Last night we watched the much heard of; The Breakfast Club. Now anybody that knows me, knows that I am useless when it comes to popular and classic films. I studied Film Studies back at school and quickly realised how little I actually knew about film or about the films that almost everybody else has either watched or knows of.

The Film Society is probably one of the easier choices that university life offers. Another thing that people who know me, also knows that I really struggle with sticking to things and let be honest if I can't stick to this, well that just super lazy and I need to get my act together.

Anyway.... The Breakfast Club (1985)

A group of teenagers, all from different stereotypes in school, brought together on a Saturday , for a day of detention. (Naturally we should all be able to picture the scene so far, I'm sure.) The group commit to there stereotypes, looking down at those not in their clique. 
They soon find out that they aren't all that different and that they have more in common than they'd ever thought. 

It was a simple idea, I personally do not think that the trailer for the film did it justice. I wasn't not particularly interested by my first look at the trailer, however, sticking to it and watching it from beginning to end changed my mind. I enjoyed the film, looking into the lives of the characters and it made me smile, thinking back to my time in school. I recommend the film, perhaps, if you are like me, maybe sit down and watch it, on like a rainy day and when you know you have the time to enjoy it. 

Sit back and relax, pop your popcorn and remiss. 

Lottie xo

TipTuesday #8


If you suffer from oily skin and your hair suffers too don't fiddle with it! I do this all the time, a long day at work or university and I find myself running my fingers through my hair, pushing my fringe out the way. 

I've always suffered with this problem, and now, in this weird summer heat that we here in England have actually had this year, means that things are a bit worse. I've resolved my problem with just putting my hair up and out the way. The only thing is, if we are going out somewhere and I want to do something to my hair I have to keep my fingers away from it. Grease from your fingers tips transfers the oils and ruins any styling you may have done. If you want voluminous hair don't touch it, retain yourself, and the easiest way I deal with this, is just to pin my fringe out the way, easy and there are tons of hair styles out there on the internet that can show you different ways to do this with all sorts of hair lengths!

Another thing is to try and avoid washing your hair on a daily basis! Washing your hair takes away the natural oils and in-turn your scalp makes more oils to replace the ones you have just washed away. In the past, for me, I've found the more I wash my hair, the quicker it gets greasy again. Not what I want! So now I try to wash my hair every other day, probably not the best for it, but that's just how I am dealing with it right now. 

Hope it helps,
 Lottie xo