Tuesday, October 15, 2013

TipTuesday #10


Curling it up? It's sliding down?

Ever curled your hair before going out somewhere, only to look in the mirror a before leaving and seeing your hair has dropped a fair bit? I have, and after all that hard work, it's a bit of a ergh moment.

Well the first thing I have to say is....

Find yourself a GOOD hair holding spray! I brought a cheap one, and I don't know what I expected, but it didn't hold my hair at all.... me being cheap there.
A good hair spray will give you that bit more time and keep your locks shape and curl.

The other thing I have to say is to make sure, that when you are curling your hair, if you have had a shower, make sure that your hair is completely 100% dry. If you curl your hair when it's that little bit wet doesn't work. Wet hair, is heavier hair,. the curls will not stay in the shape you want and will fall out. Also using a heating iron on wet hair?! Have you not heard that sizzle, the little scream your hair makes when you are effectively frying it? It's not good to use a hot hair iron on wet hair, it will damage your hair. 

Make sure you use a heat protection spray when using a curling wand or straighteners  it will keep your hair looking healthier and limit the amount of split ends your appliance could make.

Hope it helps,
 Lottie xo

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