Tuesday, December 31, 2013

TipTuesday #12


I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and are ready for the NEW YEAR!! 
I can not believe that 2014 is 24 hours away? When? How? What did I miss?

The year always goes to fast for my liking! This New Years eve I am spending with some really lovely people. 

As it is one of the biggest nights for a lot of people to go out, celebrate the new year, and forget the past year, a lot of people suffer from tiredness and sleep in their New Years make up. I am a culprit of forgetting/ being to lazy to take my make up of when I get in for a night out, I admit it. I know it's a bad thing to leave on your make, it clogs up your pores and can break you out in the following days. 

Face wipes aren't the best thing for your skin but it sure is a lot better for you to take it off quickly than it is to leave all that gross, sweaty make up on over night.

I hope you will have a lovely New Years, and bring it in in style how ever you spend it, enjoy :) 

 Happy New Year!

Lottie xo

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Life update | Review of my 2013


Where the hell have all 12 months gone????????? I mean, I remember January and then I do not remember anything of any of the other months, up until November. 

2013 doesn't really feel that there has been enough time to make up an entire year but I guess, like every other year, it's just ran past me. 

January: This was still my first year of university, and I guess I was still getting used to it. I remember the two hours it took for me and my dad to get to Nottingham and I only really remember this because I felt so nauseous about going back. I believe this just to be anxiety and nervousness but oh my gosh I hated that feeling. But of course the moment I was back in my room, and saw some friends all those feelings went away. Now I do not remember what we did at uni but I guess that goes to show how fast it went. 

The next month I remember is April: of course we all went home for Easter. I was also my mums birthday so it was nice to get to spend time with my family. Another thing that makes April stand out is that April 19th (?) I think, was the day that we moved out of our home, and my parents started their journey up to Scotland. Safe to say, the worrier that I am, was thinking about my folks travelling up the country I got a phone call around 7pm on the sunday from my dad. They managed to get up to Scotland safely and needed me to google map the location of the holiday cottage they had booked for the week. 

Now I remember a bit of the summer, but like every summer holiday away from education, it went by way to fast! So midway through June my parents (and the dog) drove down to pick me up. You know that holiday cottage I mention earlier, well they were still living in there so they picked me up, transferred pieces of furniture and items over to the new house which I would be moving into for my second year of uni. slept the night in a hotel and then all four of us, started the 8 hour journey up to Scotland and to the cottage. 
Once we had gotten up there, slept the night and sorted my stuff out to go into storage, I did what a lot of other students might have done. Without a job I found myself starting this blog (which I am still enjoying by the way) and watching a lot of Youtube videos..... Yes I got slightly addicted watching other people have amazing summer vacations and times with friends. June turned into July and as well as us finally finding a place that we can take from 'house' to 'home' in time and all I remember was finding myself pondering about Youtube, and whether I could/should start one for myself...
For the records I'm still doing this... 

Then September: heading on back down to uni, thankfully and generously, my dad drove me down. Not before having a bit of a tear feast with my mum and then our next door neighbour. Bless. 

There was obviously projects that we did from September to November but in all honesty it's turned into a bit of a blur. 

November, wow, this was the start of my placement and I am truly upset about how fast it went. TAKE ME BACK NOW! Thoroughly enjoyed it and it opened up my eyes as to what I could be doing. Even though I'm studying theatre design and do amazing projects, sometimes you forget and get a bit of a 'glaze' over your eyes as to what you are really working to. Placement was a bit of a windscreen wiper, clearing up my thoughts and making me re-realise what I am in this for. 

And now! We are almost at the end of 2013, it's December 26th as I write this and after the excitement of Christmas day, time to reflect has been what today has mostly been about. 

It's time to forget the past and look forward to the future. 2014 I hope to make you more interesting and valuable than 2013.

Hope everybody, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday, a calm day today (unless you chose to go boxing day shopping, then you crazy fool) and I hope the new year has something for us all to look forward to!  

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's a Jolly Holiday Christmas Tag

Q: Favourite Christmas Movie?
   - As a kid, my favourite Christmas Movie had to be...Santa Claus the movie
   - Now I think it has to be Elf of course (love it for its wit and sarcasm!) 

Q:  Have you ever had a 'White Christmas'?
   - Well there has been snow on the ground a few time, but it's never snowed on Christmas day unfortunately (although it's christmas eve right now and it could be possible that it might snow, the weather outside is frightful)

Q: Where do you usually spend your Christmas?
  - The front room. We are only a family of three and we don't have family that live near by so normally it's just the three of us. Which is nice, normally there's always one person missing.

Q: Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
   - :( no i loose it around the fourth or fifth one. 

Q: Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
  - NO! I didn't know that was a thing?

Q: Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
   - REAL!! The smell of the tree makes Christmas for me! Love it!

Q: What holiday tradition are you most looking forward to?
   - Well normally the best thing to do at Christmas in my eyes, is going out on a chilly evening with my dad to pick a Christmas tree.

Q: Be honest, do you prefer giving gifts or receiving them?
   - Giving 100%, I hate being a centre of attention, and the look on someone's face when they open and realise what they got is so exciting!

Q: Show us your tackiest Christmas attire!
   - I don't actually own anything Christmas-y and tacky, just a Santa hat.

Q: What would your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
   - When I was younger I always wanted to visit Scotland to see a 'white Christmas'. Guess I got my chance this year, and for the foreseeable future!

Q: Are you on the Naught list or Nice list?
   - Well I hope I'm on the nice!  *flutters eyelashes*

Q: How's your wrapping skills?
   - L.O.V.E it, all has to be sharp and neat, that is until you have to wrap a bottle of wine or something annoyingly shaped. 

Q: Most memorable holiday moment?

  - Wow that's a hard one. I guess the one that stands out the most, probably when I was between the ages of 7/8, my grampy had brought me a Snow White dressing table, with light up stars around the mirror! It was all plastic and I spend most of the day building it with my grampy and then pretending to do my make up and hair in the mirror. Yep, that's the most memorable. 

Q: What made you realise the truth about Santa?
   - Dad and I picked my mum up from town one day, I was in the back and pulled the arm rest down. There was a little latch that you could pull and you can see into the boot. I saw a board game called Mouse Trap, of course I received this for Christmas and, as the Little Sherlock in training my thoughts were correct, suspicions revealed and that was it.

Q: Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?
   - I don't really understand the New Years resolutions, I don't see why if you want to change anything, why you should wait until the New Year? I have in the past and to be completely honest, I'd make and plan resolutions, but a week in, I'd already forgotten them. 

Q: What makes the Holiday's special for you?
   - Not sure to be honest, December is special to me because It's cousin's and my birthday, which is on the same day. But besides growing another year older nothing is particularly special about it to me. I enjoy spending time with my family and I love watching people opening presents.

Q: What is your favourite colour scheme to decorate the tree in?
   - Gold, just gold. 

Q: Mince pie?
   - No thanks. Not a fan, which does mean, there's more for other people!

Q: Do you open presents before or after lunch?
   - Pleaseeeee, we don't have the patience to wait, Ok my parent do, I don't. Sorry. 

Q: Christmas day fashion?
   - Well we don't go all out but we don't stay in our pj's all morning. Just something cosy and comfy.  

TipTuesday #11


Ok so not a beauty tip but a very useful tip I have learnt over the years.

My dad is a late christmas shopper. I mean late, he has sometimes come into work on Christmas eve asking... 'Which one do you think your mother would like?' Oh dad!! 

I am a huge worrier, you are going to think I am completely crazy, but..... I tend to start getting Christmas gifts for people around about July... I don't like to stress and last minute Christmas shopping is s stressful as it gets!

Now if your family are like my dad, the thing I have found really useful is to make a list of the things you think the people you are buying for would like. A little secret that I haven't even told my dad, is I tick the things that I know wont be sold out come Christmas eve and then leave those things to my dad and get the more meaningful, speacil things around mid November beginning of December. Sometimes this works, sometime it doesn't. 

I hope this little tip helps you destress and have a more relaxed Christmas! 
And with that I hope you all have a great, relaxing, joyful and spirited Christmas day!!

Hope it helps,

Merry Christmas

 Lottie xoxo

Monday, December 23, 2013

25 Facts About Me

1.  My memory is so short, I have to pause a lot to rethink what I'm doing.

2. The sun instantly makes me happy and I do like the rain, I love watching it (It's the best when you are inside and you don't have to venture outside the front door)

3. I hate having my haircut, I never know what I want and it takes forever for me to get used to it again.

4. With all these Christmas Adverts, it's made me think I can't wait to have my own family and give them a magical Christmas. ( not for at least another 7 years - hold your horses)

5. I look forward to the summer... for strawberries

6.  I used to do country dancing, tap dancing and modern in primary school

7. Although we have a dog( who I love to bits!) I don't think I can say I'm 100% a dog person or a cat person... 110% an animal lover, covers all animals! (except........)

8. Three things that scare me are Spiders, being in open water (Sharks!) and sometimes heights

9. When you first meet me, I can come across as quite, but as soon as I am comfortable around you, you' will probably think I am a complete weirdo! Weird is good though, isn't it?

10. Autumn is my favourite season, the leaves change colour, the weather can be unpredictable, Halloween, Bon Fire night and Christmas are all things to look forward to!!

11. I am quite fussing when it comes to food, I will try things but I tend to stick to what I know.

12. I over think, a lot. (it's a bad habit, I do not recommend it)

13. I am a very awkward person, I cringe at almost anything that we girls are meant to sat 'aw' at, all that lovey-dovey, gushy stuff (I just can't handle it!)

14. I like the idea of baking, and making cakes and delicious dishes. I like the idea, up until the hand whisking and the moment when you look at your creation through the oven window and see that it's as flat as pancake. Then you taste it, and it's as dry as a bone and as solid as a rock. That's when I realise, I'm a crap baker.

15. I am a List maker.

16. I sing all the time when I'm alone but would never properly sing in front of anyone, I'm sure the kitchen. bathroom and my bedroom are hopefully sounds proof. 

17. I'm a magpie. Anything that sparkles grabs my attention.

18. I procrastinate. A lot. *hangs head in shame*

19. I love films, (who doesn't) especially Disney ones. My favourite Disney films being The Little Mermaid and Hercules.

20. My family and I have just made a big move to Scotland.

21.This year I turned 21

22. I love going on road trips and absolutely love being in the front passenger seat whilst my mum or dad drives at night, as it means I get to look out at the city lights and stars over head. 

23. I am short sighted, but only ever remember to wear my glasses when I need to drive somewhere.

24. I'm in my second year of university

25. I am actually a very sarcastic person, all thanks to my Dad for his words of wisdom and perseverance.

And maybe one for luck....

26. For a while now I've been thinking about Youtube and whether I could do it or not... Fear gets in the way of a lot of things. Does it for you?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Jumpers!

I just want to bring up one thing, where and why have all these Christmas Jumpers come from?

Out of the blue, and all of as fast as a heavy snow fall covers everything, it seems that Christmas jumpers have become popular. Now I'd probably want to say that it's all Mr Darcy's doing, from Bridget Jones Diary. However I feel that it's been a fair amount of time since that lovely Reindeer jumper graced our eyes. And if you've forgotten the one I'm on about, I thought I'd add a picture just to remind you. 

So I don't know about you, but maybe it's because I'm a student and in an art based building, but before leaving uni for Christmas there was a substaintual amount of those, sometimes festive, sometimes cheeky and all together smile enforcing jumpers. 

Another reason I'm bringing it up is because whilst I was out in the city today, people, every way you looked were sporting a Christmas jumper. Ok yes, yes I can hear you now; 'it's only 4 days until Christmas, and if you can't wear a xmas jumper now when can you?' Well I haven't a problem with them I just can't get my head around it as to where they have come from? What made them acceptable and desired so much this year?  

If anybody knows, please, please tell me, I can't figure it out! Who started this festive craziness?!

So I thought whilst thinking about this I might add a few other jumpers that I've spotted out and about and share them with you. Whether garish, rude, cute, cheeky or classic here are three of my favourite Christmas jumpers.

None of these pictures are my own. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Christmas Carol at Lakeside 2013

It's that famous story that we all get told from such a young age, combined with the child-like imaginations that we unlock when the power goes out. 

This brand new adaptation incorporates the original story of the Charles Dickens classic A Christmas Carol, in a modern day style but still with a classic twist! Three siblings, two brothers and their younger sister, Andrew, James and Vicky go spend Christmas together in their aunties cottage. Whilst Andrew's hoping to spend Christmas stuffing their faces and watching good old Christmas TV, James and Vicky are thrilled just to be in a place that holds all their childhood memories. Plans change when the weather takes a turn for the worst and cuts the power and reception to the house!

The show is suitable for children 4 years and older, with special effects that make the children say wow and heart warming moments which takes the cast on a flight around the world, makes you forget where you are and just enjoy the entirety of the story. Not only are the cast amazing, with one actor playing no less than eight characters but the set design helps bring the idea that these characters had an amazing time in their aunties cottage when they were younger, playing exciting games of hide and seek and celebrating the holidays. 

With Andrew being a bit of a humbug, only wanting to watch the Christmas special of Doctor Who and nothing else on a cold, snowy Christmas eve. James and Vicky use all their excitement and energy to tell the tale of A Christmas Carol, slowly and surely luring Andrew into the story. The three of them discover the true meaning of Christmas - generosity, family, friends, love and sharing. 

So if you looking for something do, sat at home, putting off the idea of going to another panto, or fed up of the kids saying they are bored. Then I recommend you pop down to the Lakeside and visit the gallery and the show itself for a lovely day out.


Box office: 0115 846 7777

The show runs up until December 29th and if you can get down to Lakeside in Nottingham this Christmas, then I highly recommend it, with tickets on sale at £8.50 it's enjoyable for all the family and for any age.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Time for a break

Time for a break from uni that is! Not blogging, think I've had too much of that!

It's that time of year when schools finish, university students catch the break that they've been looking forward to and that time of year that moods improve and purses and wallets empty pretty fast.

It's Christmas Time of course!! I got home on Saturday, and to be perfectly honest all I've done is slept. Slept a lot. 

For the last four/five weeks I have been on placemen. I was working for a Christmas Carol at the Lakeside Arts Theatre in Nottingham. I really enjoyed the placement and to be perfectly honest after working solidly on it for four/five weeks and now having finished, and gone home, I am on a bit of a low. 

This last week was the tech week, meaning long hours and quick work needing to be done between breaks! As busy as the first few weeks were, I don't feel like they were as tiring as the last week, something drained my energy, that's for sure! Regardless, with the energy I used for the last week I feel that it was probably the best week of my time spent there. Seeing things come together is one of the things I love to witness and find most satisfying, and like magic everything everybody had been working towards, came together! 

Yes, there was a few technical hitches and problems, but soon sorted with a bit of elbow grease from everybody! Yes, there was a lot of things to do in such a short amount of time. And, yes, things it was so satisfying to see things take shape and form!

The show it's self I'll tell you about in another blog, I couldn't possibly say it all in this post, it wouldn't be able to save the entire thing! So for now, I will leave it at that, I thought it might be of use to give you a quick update on where the hell I've been for the last few weeks. Keep an eye out for the Christmas Carol post!! 
