Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April Life Round Up


This month has been the busiest of them all so far.

The Easter break was welcomed with a huge hug. Although I love my own time and having my own freedom from my parents, it is very difficult to spend three months away and not miss them! I think having my time away at uni gave me a better level of respect for them, and I realised how much I enjoy their company. (However I should state, this feeling only seems to hang around whilst away from home, a few days back at home and my parents and I are fully charged, as it were and ready to start again. Anyway I am very thankful for them and I had a wonderful Easter with them.

Now, lets get back to business, returning to uni was ever so hectic, and then returning to the everyday struggle was difficult. Being back in the design studio actually the atmosphere became a very negative space, everybody was getting the end of their projects and stress levels were extremely high, not to mention the topic of DISSERTATION!

This month has been extremely heavy at the work front and its has taken up all my time, hence the lack of post here, which I really am sorry about. Projects have come to an end, design projects are being to take a shape that I am really happy about and the dissertation, well, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I cannot believe that I am writing the post, it is so close to May, which mean I can realise the hold the dis has had on me, I hand in all my other work in three weeks and then its just building for the exhibition! Where has the time gone? My university life is almost over? What do I do now! If anybody has any words of encouragement about life after uni please leave me a comment I would like to know there's hope and what I should expect, it would be much appreciated!

Charlie xo


  1. Who needs to grow up after uni?? Carry of as if you are still a student :)

  2. Best of luck with the dissertation! I'm sure you will do brilliantly!

  3. Haha you have the right frame of mind! Thanks for the support! :)
