Thursday, December 10, 2015

Festive Candles

Yankee Candles have always been a firm favourite with me and my mum. If only they did a 'back to mac' sort of thing! We've had loads over the years all year round, but none have been as favoured as the Christmas time scents! The smells the candles give off cover the house and give a lovely, welcoming scent to a home. One of our most brought candle is Yankee Candles' Cinnamon Stick, you can not get much more christmasy!

Woodwick is a newer find, I've only had one Woodwick candle before, in comparison to Yankee I perfer the shape of the jar and the lid of the Woodwick candles, its a lot more simplistic and cleaner in the shape. The smell compares nicely with Yankee in my opinion, however my mum thinks that the Yankee Candle large jar doesn't keep the smell, almost like it runs out or gets weaker the more you use it.

This year I'm trying Woodwicks Cinnabark, but there are plenty of others to try if you don't like the smell of cinnamon, below are five different candles which I love the smell off and each and every one of them makes me think of Christmas!

Do you have any favourite Christmas scents? 
Charlie xo


  1. I almost picked up a Woodwick Candle from Boots as they have them in the 3 for 2 section. It smelled amazing and I love the packaging!

    Eilidh from Velvet Winter

    1. I've seen them in Boots too! They smell amazing and they have different scents to Yankee, the wick is the bit that makes it or breaks it though - depends whether you can stand the noise it gives. I didn't like it at first but I've gotten used to it! xx

  2. I love a Yankee Candle. The Cinnamon one is a definite winner, but Vanilla Cupcake has to be my favourite. Have you tried their wax melts? I've just got into them and the scent they give off is amazing!
    Laura x FloraLooTwo

    1. Hi Laura! I've never tried the Vanilla Cupcake but it sounds pretty delicious! I have, I brought my mum an electric wax melter from Yankee after this post for christmas and you are so right, they give off an amazing scent!
