Tuesday, August 6, 2013

TipTuesday #2

Do you have problems with your hair in the shower, like strands coming out? (Gross I know :( !) Well a useful little tip that I have learned for anybody else who has long-ish hair, if you give you hair a once over with a brush, I find that a LOT less hair seems to fall out.

A brushing before a shower gets ride of the most loose strands and helps you out when shampooing and conditioning. Now I do not know why I have this problem, maybe it's stress, maybe I just need a REALLY good hair cut, but I have been dealing with this problem for as long as I can remember, in the last year however it has gotten a lot lot worse ( probably due to stress).

I find that brushing your hair before washing it means that my hair isn't a nightmare to deal with when it comes t drying it. 

I know I'm not the only one, but it does get on my nervous and I'm sure it does for other people who deal with it too. I find this method works for me.

Hope it helps,
 Lottie xo

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